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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Sicilian Broccoli and Cauliflower Pasta

Forget Stitch n' Bitch....this is Rants n' Recipes!

I just flew in from Florida yesterday and there are a couple of people who I'd like to thank for making my JetBlue experience that much more enjoyable. First, the man sitting next to me for feeling it was necessary and exceptable to take off his SNEAKERS and let his feet air out. The four year old child who spilled her apple juice all over my bag and computer case and the seven year old who kept kicking the back of my seat. Double Whammy!

But of course, this rant would not be complete without thanking MTV for a Jersey Shore marathon. I'll be that much smarter for graduate school for it.

I'm not that spoiled but I think it's time I bought my own plane. Soulja Boy just spent the only money he'll ever have from that only hit he'll ever have on a 55 million dollar plane...SB you know where to find me ;)

On to the recipe! Isn't that why you're really here? This is another recipe I have adapted from 101 Cookbooks. This recipe is light and very healthy. It makes a huge meal so if you have guests or are just trying to make something for multiple lunches, this recipe is great. So here it is.

Sicilian Broccoli and Cauliflower Pasta;
Adapted from 101 Cookbooks

1 large bunch broccoli
1 bunch cauliflower
1 medium yellow onion
4 garlic cloves
A generous pinch of red pepper flakes
3 tbs golden raisins
1/4 c of italian (flat leaf) parsley
1 tps fresh rosemary
fresh parmesan
1 lb dried penne
pine nuts (totally optional)

***before you start cooking anything, I would strongly suggest chopping up the broccoli, cauliflower, onion and garlic.

1. Heat a large heavy sauce pan with some evoo. On a medium heat, throw in your broccoli adding a little more evoo and salt generously. it's important to get the seasoning right so your broccoli isn't bland. keep the broccoli on until it turns green and even browns a little.
2. take the broccoli out of the pan and place it into a bowl. In the same pan, repeat step 1 with the cauliflower.
3. take the cauliflower out and place in into the same bowl with the broccoli (you need a big bowl)
4. Using the same pan (if the pan is brown and you want to rinse it out, feel free) sautee the onions. When the onions soften and become translucent, add the garlic, red pepper flakes and a pinch of salt. Cook until everything has soften but does not brown.
5. In a separate pan, add the golden raisins to warm water. They'll plump up to give them a sweet flavor.

1. Boil water with salt and a little bit of evoo. Add pasta. If you are using pine nuts, lightly toast them now. Drain the pasta. On a low heat, put the pasta the large pan you have been using to cook the veggies and add the onions, broccoli, cauliflower, raisins, rosemary, some parsley and the pine nuts if you chose to use them. Your dish should be well salted from when you cooked the veggies and the same goes for the evoo but feel free to taste for seasoning.
2. Turn off the heat and give yourself a big ole' bowl. Toss in a generous amount of freshly grated parmesan and a little bit more parsley if you'd like.

Serving Size:
4 hungry people or 4 lunches.

Until next time ya wanksta!